
Brother Paul. I’m loving these questions.

I think an important question to raise is if Tartarus and Sheol are meant to be understood as the same realm or not. It seems that they’re different. Tartarus seems to be specific to the judgment of the rebellious spirits (the sons of God). Sheol seems to be the general realm of the dead, to which Jesus descended to and threw down! So, I don’t think the sons of God repented in that case. Even still, all that is above my pay grade lol.

Even more above my pay grade is the connection between demons and the disembodied Nephilim. I know Dr. Heiser made that case, and it’s a compelling argument for sure. I have no idea though.

The Enochic traditions would definitely credit much of the “knowledge” and violence to evil spiritual beings. But as I understand they would say that humans can become co-laborers with the spirits to create the chaos as well. It’s the idea of twin rebellions. Whenever we see humans participating in violence and destruction, we can bet they’re are spiritual powers at play, too.

I wish I could give more Paul lol. Love you bro.

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Jul 12Liked by Hakeem Bradley

So who did Jesus visit in Hell/Tartarus? Spirits of conquered Nephilim? If He preached to them, did they hear the good news and repent?! Or was it a victor speech and more of a trash talk that they have been ultimately defeated? Are demons just disembodied Nephilim?!

Was it the sons of God/watchers that brought technology (like weapons, etc) to earth and we aren’t necessarily the creators of mass murder and genocide but solely beneficiaries of it through the “fall” of some of the super natural?

The readers need MORE!

Great article. Thanks for putting it out!

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Not sure we can argue that Gen 6 is “forceful” based on the verbs- they are pretty common verbs with broad semantic ranges- otherwise a good intro to the topic

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Fair point!

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